Picture Day
- Classes visit and form a line
- Students check in with photographer by name
- Each student will have 2-3 photos taken (more options for parents!)
- Images are inspected by photographer on linked tablet
- Done! Registered parents receive proofs via secure link to their email and phone number within minutes!
- Orders are placed online and shipped directly to the purchaser’s home

Online Ordering
No order forms, no money collections! All orders are placed online by parents and guardians.
Orders are fulfilled within 48 hours of ordering. Digital Downloads are delivered almost instantly!
Choose from a full online store, including photo packages, gifts, digital downloads, and more!
Instead of calling an 800 number, Marisa handles it all, committed to provided high quality service and photos.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are orders placed?
Order pictures is EASY! Forget the order forms and money collection – Pictures by Marisa offers easy online ordering, making picture day easy for both players and parents!
How many poses will students get?
In order to provide more options for parents, each student will have multiple poses photographed.
How long does it take for order fulfillment?
Orders are fulfilled within 48 hours of ordering. Digital downloads are delivered almost instantly!
How are proofs and photos received?
Leave the distribution to us! All proofs are delivered electronicaly straight to parents and guardians.
All orders are placed online and shipped directly to the purchaser’s home.
What advantages do you offer parents?
There are several advantages when using Pictures by Marisa, including:
- Fast! Parents will have proofs within minutes of their child being photographed.
- Multiple Poses! Each child will recieve multiple poses for parents to choose from.
- Easy Online Ordering!
- Quick Fulfillment!
- Safe Delivery!